[Salon] Fwd: Al Mayadeen: "Deploying spies on campus in the US: The 'Israel on Campus Coalition'." (4/4/24.)


Deploying spies on campus in the US: The 'Israel on Campus Coalition'

David Miller   April 4, 2024

Listen to Nancy Pelosi at the end of January this year: “What we have to do is to try and stop the suffering in Gaza. This is about women and children, people who don’t have a place to go. So let’s address that. But for them to call for a ceasefire is Mr Putin’s message… Make no mistake. This is directly connected to what he would like to see.”

“I think some of these protestors are spontaneous and organic and sincere. Some, I think, are connected to Russia and I say that having looked at this for a long time."

What is going on here? These are Zionist talking points. As the Palestinians say – every Zionist accusation is a confession. In reality, the only entity with really significant spy networks in the US is the Zionist entity.  

The FBI and the CIA know this, but they are either unwilling or unable to investigate Israeli espionage networks operating freely in universities, businesses, and government facilities across the United States.

One well-known spy network is the Anti-Defamation League. Created in 1913, it has been spying on Arab Americans since before the creation of the Zionist entity. Throughout this period, the ADL has also closely collaborated with the FBI. Today, the ADL is doing more than attempting to repress free speech on Palestine; it is attempting to have ordinary pro-Palestine activism declared to be "terrorism".

What they are trying to do is to use a vaguely worded law, which they lobbied for, to entrap Palestine solidarity activism as falling under a legal definition of material support for "terrorism".

In late October, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and another Zionist group published an open letter urging universities to investigate Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) under the material support statute introduced in 1996.

In addition to accusing SJP of supporting Hamas, they were also, the ADL claimed, “voicing an increasingly radical call for confronting and ‘dismantling’ Zionism on U.S. college campuses.”

Material support for "terrorism" can include giving advice or other speech so long as it is at the behest or in coordination with the "terrorist" group.

But there is also an attempt by the ADL and its allies to claim that routine pro-Palestine activism should be legally understood as support for "terrorism". They are working to blur the line between independent advocacy, which is allowed, and coordination, which could be terrorism.

It is of little comfort that there is no public evidence any SJP student members coordinated with Hamas or any other armed group. The case law construing the material support statute’s punishment of advocacy is so underdeveloped that there is considerable room for investigative overreach by the FBI. 

The line between independent advocacy and material support as speech in coordination with a listed “terrorist” group “remains unelaborated".

Of course, the ADL is one of the few non-government groups that trains federal law enforcement on counterterrorism. It can use the gap to advance its overreaching conception of the material support statute.

To fight back, all campus groups and university management need to declare that no independent campus speech, no matter how incendiary, serves as a legitimate basis for a material support investigation.

Another group, the Israel on Campus Coalition has been spying on pro-Palestine students for years.

It is linked to Israeli intelligence and strategically targets individual students or faculty on campus in order the “crush” the movement.

ICC was created by Hillel International and the Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation in 2002 to promote "Israel" advocacy on campus.  

The money came from the business Charles who at that stage had a “major interest in Bank Hapoalim, Israel’s largest bank, and has extensive interests in oil, real estate, banking and shipping in the US.”

Today, Hillel and the ICC maintain close organizational ties. The ICC continues toprovide Hillel professionals with "Israel" advocacy training and support.  

Hillel has taken on a more extreme form of Zionism in recent years, sparking a rebellion by some student members who are critical of some aspects of Zionism.  

They called their challenge Open Hillel, which says it "promotes pluralism and open discourse on Israel-Palestine in Jewish communities on campus and beyond. We aim to eliminate Hillel International’s Standards of Partnership for Israel Activities, which exclude individuals and groups from the Jewish community on campus on the basis of their views on Israel." But even calling for a debate on Zionism was too much for the ICC, which engaged in spying on the Jewish student group.

The spy operation is closely co-ordinated with the Zionist regime as was revealed by The Lobby USA.

Here is Lila Greenberg, formerly of AIPAC: 

“The ICC pools resources from all of the campus organizations. So that they’re tapped in on all angles.”

According to Jacob Baime, currently the ICC’s chief executive officer,  “We built up this massive national political campaign to crush [pro-Palestine activism].”

“It’s modeled on General Stanley McCrystal’s counterinsurgency strategy in Iraq. We’ve copied a lot from that strategy ... And one of the pieces was this Operations and Intelligence Brief.” 

This is then passed on to the Israeli Ministry of Strategic Affairs. 

Baime confirmed that ICC “coordinates with” and “communicates with” the Ministry.

Once collected, data from the ICC’s web of campus spies and high-tech Israeli surveillance equipment then flow to the Anti-Defamation League.

The ADL, is in itself closely in touch with Zionist intelligence agencies but also uses the data to weaponize anti-Semitism in its reports on BDS and Palestine activism.

Among its other activities, the ICC offered to pay any pro-"Israel" student $250 to attend the sparsely attended damp squib of the March for Israel in November 2023 in Washington DC.

Make no mistake, the Zionist regime has agents on campus all over the United States. Everyone must be removed.

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